Licensed Mental Health Therapist, Award-Winning Author, Collegiate Lecturer, and Public Speaker
Debra Whittam receiving an award for her Podcast from Wilnona Marie at the 8th Annual Women in Literature Awards in 2024.
How do we adjust, adapt, and accept our reality while moving forward. Debra gracefully walks us through her journey to radical acceptance, while staying non-judgmental. As Debra says, “We look to our past not to judge, but to find our truth so we can heal, learn, and grow.”
Debra’s adventures have brought her from small town Delanson New York to the big cities like New York City, Italy, and Paris. Debra is a woman with passion to help and let her voice be heard. It started with her own story of grief and addiction. From that place came her wanting to get into counseling. As if that weren’t enough, she then authored 2 books that come from her testimony from the past. The Pandemic brought incredible challenges for many people. For Debra, it was no different. In March of 2020, she lost her father while not being able to be physically present for his home-going. It was an heartbreaking situation from which brought about her next greatest endeavor: podcast hosting. She started the Hope & Truth Podcast to bring forth other people’s stories from their difficulties from the Covid-19 Pandemic in addition to her own.
Debra earned a Masters of Science in Education and Counseling Psychology from Duquesne University. She holds several professional certifications including CCDPD (Certified Co-Occurring Disorders Professional Diplomat), CAADC (Certified Advanced Alcohol and Drug Counselor), and CT (Certified Thanatologist), a specialty in grief and loss. During over fifteen years treating clients ages fourteen through adult, her diverse experience includes addiction rehabilitation therapy in both inpatient and and outpatient settings, trauma, abuse, grief, anxiety, OCD, and depression. She believes in the importance of authenticity in connecting with clients, their loved ones, and unveiling impacts of the family dynamic on psychosomatic conditions and the healing process.
In her book, “Am I Going To Be Okay? Weathering the Storms of Mental Illness, Addiction and Grief” (March 2016) and her most recent publication, “Everything That’s Been Waiting” she speaks from a position of personal experience with abuse, anxiety and addition.
Debra has facilitated two support groups. “Pleaser’s Club” deals with people saying ‘yes’ when they really mean ‘no’ and “Grief Club” which focuses on bereavement. At this time both groups have been paused until further notice.
Debra is currently a telehealth based therapist, meeting only online with clients using the Zoom app. To inquire more about services please go to the ‘contact’ page.
Book Reviews
“Powerful and honest!”
“Having my own personal journey with addiction, I knew I would find this story relatable. But I was intrigued by how many painful childhood incidents are responsible for current adult anxieties which the author explains. She shares about past abuse and a family’s need to hide it - yet beautifully and honestly explains her journey to overcomes it. Easy read”
“I finished “Everything That’s Been Waiting,” on a long train ride and I almost missed my stop. I don’t know how Debra Whittam is able to take psychological dilemmas and psychological knowledge and weave them together to to create a thriller...but she does it!”